Now you can view and analyze your data in a form of XY Plotting on your
Desktop with the help of Data Plotter.
It's a Java-based program that will enable you to view and plot your data as an XY Graph. The program is simple enough that anyone could use it.
It includes the following functionality:
Add Data
Plot Data
View Plot
Delete Data
View Data Analysis
View Data Points
Export Data
User-friendly interface
Read Data from the standard input stream
View the plots on both XY and XYZ plane
Display a frequency histogram
Export the graph as Image, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG and PDF
Java - JDK 1.7 or higher is required. The program will run on all
Java 7-compliant systems.
Source code download:
You can install and run Mathematica from anywhere, provided you have an Internet connection and a copy of Mathematica.
I use a mix of Mathematica notebooks and programmatic calls to do this. You can use the notebook version to run the code to produce images you can directly open in your browser, like this. (There are a few other ways to make the images look good, which are not simple, so this is the easiest way I know of for beginners.)
There is some information about how to write the code in the documentation, here.
You can also run the code as a module in Mathematica.
There are two ways of doing this. The first is a package that I created that reads data from a file, plots it, and saves it to the clipboard. (It doesn't do the plotting in the notebook.) If you paste the data from the clipboard back into a notebook, the notebook will then draw the graph.
Or you can just write an inline code block in a notebook and save it as a package. This is probably easier to do, and it will save you having to copy and paste from the clipboard. Here is an example of the first method:
data = Import["graphdata.txt", {"RawData", "Data"}];
g = Plot[#, {x, 0, 3}, Axes a77f14ba26 teremygn ... ka/profile ... ST/profile ... ri/profile ... ne/profile ... ck/profile